Tuesday 31 July 2012

Kinda getting far from home...

So my dad and I left home in Fredericton on Sunday morning and we've done quite a little bit of travelling. Well, about 1 800 km to be exact. So that's about two days worth of travelling. Where am I exactly right now? I'm sitting in a hotel room in Sault Ste-Marie, ON.

This is where I am tonight. Seriously. Not.
So here's what's been happening since I left home.

  • We drove through Quebec province. 

  • Crossed into Ontario (forgot to take a picture of the sign...)

  • Spent a day at my cousin's in Ottawa where we went to the Royal Canadian Mint
Bet you didn't know it was me on the quarter!

I even made myself a new boyfriend!

But turns out he was a little bit too frisky...
(look at where his hand is)

  •  I got over my moose boyfriend and found myself a real man. 

Ok, not really real...

  •  My cousin tried to make a guard laugh. 

Let's just say we were having quite the conversation before
this picture and you can't see it but she's doing the bunny
ears to him. Gotta say, the guard didn't laugh but he did seem
a little less serious by the time we left!

  •  Left Ottawa and drove to Sault Ste Marie

Also, I'm driving in prime squall country. So I'm keeping a running count of how many storms I'll end up driving through up until Calgary.

The count so far : 1 thunder storm near Mattawa. 

And I have yet to see a moose. Damn. 

Tomorrow's plan : Sault Ste Marie - Thunder Bay!!!! (and Moose seeing...hopefully)

Friday 27 July 2012


Just wanted to say that Sunday is the big day!!! I'm having a last picnic with my friends tomorrow and then it's goodbye Fredericton, hello Cowboy city!! Sniff sniff. I will miss this place!!

Goodbye this... :(
Hello this!

Tuesday 24 July 2012


Comme je déménage prochainement à Calgary, j'ai décidé de commencer un blog afin de propager mes histoires plus facilement (j'ai l'impression qu'il y en aura plusieurs dans les prochaines semaines). Au fur et à mesure que je vie de nouvelles aventures, je m'assurerai de les partager avec vous!


Since I am moving to Calgary and I seem to be promising a lot of people that I'll be keeping them up to date with my on goings, I figured writing a blog would be the easiest way to keep everybody in the know! Plus, I'm terrible with e-mails so this way I don't have to write a gazillion e-mails all the time.