Saturday 4 August 2012

Finally "home"...sort of

So today my dad and I MADE IT TO CALGARY!!!!

Yesterday, we had a big day of travelling. We drove from Winnipeg, Manitoba all the way to Medicine Hat, AB.

In distance, that equals to over 1 000km in a day. Of this:

I didn't take this picture. We actually drove through rain all day.
But boy did we see a lot of hay. Hey! Look at all that hay!! 
Driving through Saskatchewan, I felt a strong attachment to that province, which is kind of weird because apart from spending my 11th birthday in Regina, I hadn't done much in Saskatchewan. So why this sense of pride towards this prairie covered province? I concluded that I felt proud to be in the home province of one of my best girls, the Bernster herself! She probably knew I was thinking of her since I spent most of my non driving time texting her.

But today, this is where we ended up:

That's right. I'm seeing the Rockies in the distance right about now!
Who's jealous?
We got here around 2pm ish and that's about the highlight of the day. Kinda spent the rest of the day lounging in this sketchy feeling hotel. Because we haven't done enough sitting around in the past week, driving across Canada.

So now goes the process of finding an Anyone up for giving me hints and advice about apartment hunting? Any input is appreciated!

Storm count: I'll say 3.5. We got caught in storms on and off for the better part of the afternoon yesterday but they were never from the same cloud. So I'll give that a 1.5 to bring the total to 3.5. Not bad, considering we almost crossed the country.

Moose count : Zero, zéro, nada, zilch, big fat O. I'm probably the only person in all of Canada who desperately wants to see a moose and who hasn't seen one. I need to do a rain dance. Or a Moose dance.

Why do you hide from me? WHY??!?!?!?!?!

1 comment:

  1. OHHHHHHH SASKATCHEWAN!!!!!! :D :D :D :D <3 <3 <3 I did enjoy receiving your texts, and I was super jealous!!! It must've been a helluva long drive though ;) Man oh man!

    And omg I love how you really want to see a moose, but I'm glad you didn't. Because they're dangerous. And I don't want my Jojo to be in an accident.

    I was glad to hear you found an appartment! Can't wait to see your next post about it, with pictures hopefully :D

